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Adding a Simple Text Overlay to a Video

Embed a text overlay onto a video file using FFmpeg's drawtext filter, ideal for watermarking, titles, or annotations.

VideoAlchemy Compose File

version: 1

generate_path: "./generated"

  - name: Adding a Simple Text Overlay to a Video
    command: ffmpeg
      - id: input_1
        source: 'input.mp4'
      - video_filters:
          - name: drawtext
            value: "text='Your Text Here':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:x=10:y=10"
      - id: output_1
        overwrite: true
        source: 'output.mp4'


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=text='Your Text Here':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:x=10:y=10" output.mp4


  • -i input.mp4: Specifies the input video file. Replace input.mp4 with the path to your source video file.
  • -vf "drawtext=text='Your Text Here':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:x=10:y=10": Applies the drawtext video filter with options to overlay text on the video:
  • text='Your Text Here': The text to overlay on the video. Replace 'Your Text Here' with your desired text.
  • fontcolor=white: Sets the color of the text. Replace white with any valid color name or hex code.
  • fontsize=24: Sets the size of the text. Adjust 24 to your desired font size.
  • x=10:y=10: Positions the text 10 pixels from the left (x) and 10 pixels from the top (y) of the video frame. Adjust these values to change the text position.

Possible Errors

  • File not found: Occurs if FFmpeg cannot locate the input file. Ensure the path to the file is correct.
  • Invalid filter options: Happens if options passed to the drawtext filter are incorrect or unsupported. Verify the syntax and values for all filter options.
  • Font not found: Arises if the specified font is not available on your system. Specify a font file directly with the fontfile option or ensure the font name is correct.
  • Permission denied: Occurs if FFmpeg does not have the necessary permissions to read the input file or write to the output file. Check that the files and directories have the correct permissions.

Additional Information

  • Customizing Text Appearance: Beyond font size and color, the drawtext filter supports various options for customizing text appearance, including fontfile (to specify a custom font), shadowcolor, shadowx, shadowy (for text shadows), and box (to add a background box behind the text).
  • Dynamic Text Placement: For more dynamic text placement, FFmpeg supports expressions for the x and y parameters, such as x=(w-text_w)/2 to center the text horizontally.
  • Timecode Overlay: The drawtext filter can display dynamic content like the current timecode using special variables and expressions, e.g., text='%{pts\:hms}' for a running timestamp.
  • Performance: Adding a text overlay is relatively lightweight, but re-encoding the video can affect processing time, especially for videos that are high-resolution or long.