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Convert Video to HLS Format

Convert videos to HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) format using FFmpeg, enabling adaptive streaming over the web for various devices and network conditions.

VideoAlchemy Compose File

version: 1  # Schema version of viddo-compose

generate_path: "./generated"  # Directory of log and command files

  - name: Convert Video to HLS Format
    command: ffmpeg
      - id: input_11
        source: 'input.mp4'
      - id: output_11
        overwrite: true
        source: 'output.m3u8'
      - codec_name:
          video: copy
          audio: copy
          time: 10
          list_size: 0
          start_number: 0


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec: copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls output.m3u8


  • -i input.mp4: Specifies the input video file. Replace input.mp4 with the path to your source video file.
  • -codec: copy: Copies both the video and audio codecs from the input file without re-encoding, preserving the original quality.
  • -start_number 0: Sets the starting segment number for the output HLS playlist.
  • -hls_time 10: Sets the maximum duration of each segment (in seconds). 10 seconds is a common choice for balancing file size and playback smoothness.
  • -hls_list_size 0: Specifies the maximum number of playlist entries. Setting it to 0 includes all segments in the playlist, allowing for unlimited playback duration.
  • -f hls: Sets the format to HLS for the output file.
  • output.m3u8: Specifies the name of the output HLS playlist file. Replace output.m3u8 with your desired output file name.

Possible Errors

  • File not found: Occurs if FFmpeg cannot locate the input file. Ensure the path to the file is correct.
  • Incompatible codec for HLS: May occur if the input file's codec is not compatible with HLS. Consider re-encoding with -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac for wider compatibility.
  • Permission denied: Arises if FFmpeg does not have the necessary permissions to write the output files. Check that the destination directory has the correct permissions.

Additional Information

  • Re-encoding for Compatibility: To ensure compatibility across all devices, you may need to re-encode your video to H.264/AAC. Use -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac before the output file name.
  • Segment Duration: Adjusting -hls_time affects the trade-off between download efficiency and the ability to adjust to changing network conditions. Shorter segments offer faster adaptation but can increase overhead.
  • Encryption: For content protection, HLS supports AES-128 encryption. Use -hls_key_info_file followed by a path to a key info file to enable encryption.
  • Bandwidth Adaptation: To create a multi-bitrate HLS stream, you will need to encode your input video at various bitrates and resolutions and then generate an HLS master playlist linking to the individual variant playlists.
  • Audio-Only HLS: For audio-only streaming, you can omit video-related parameters and codecs, focusing on optimizing audio quality and compatibility.

This markdown text provides a structured and detailed overview of the command for converting video to HLS format using FFmpeg, covering the syntax, parameters, possible errors, and additional information, all formatted in markdown.